
ICSA is recognised throughout the world for the excellence, relevance and scope of its International Qualifying Scheme (IQS). The IQS is unique in offering broad-based professional training in corporate governance, law, finance, administration, company secretarial practice, and management. Passing the rigorous examinations of the IQS, and satisfying work experience and membership requirements, will enable you to become a Chartered Secretary, a member of ICSA and to use the designatory letters ACIS (Associate) and ultimately FCIS (Fellow) after your name.

Corporate Streamlining Company Inc.:

Corporate Streamlining Company Inc. was established to search for and eradicate numerous black hole–creating items that cause a drag on an organization's performance and that are a roadblock to the professional aspirations of organization executives.


Founded in August 1993, the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) is a non-profit, global organization of adopters, developers, consultants, analysts and university/research groups engaged in Business Process Management (BPM). Workflow or BPM is the technology that supports people to do their work. Resulting benefit is more efficiency, traceability, and quality improvements.

Blueprint to a Billion:

David G. Thomson’s book titled Blueprint to a Billion7 Essentials to Achieve Exponential Growth. David’s landmark “7 Essentials” are the common management practices common to the unique set of companies that grew to a billion in revenue.

"Based on my research in defining and understanding Black Holes, identifying and eradicating black holes in organizations that can act as barriers to growth it takes both, the removal of barriers to success and the application of the best management practices or Essentials in order to increase your probability to create an exceptional growth company."