We live in a world of trends and momentum. A thought, idea or an activity gets going in one direction until it reaches the point where it becomes the problem it was trying to solve.
One trend that has taken on an unusual amount of momentum is the proliferation of top-end corporate strategies. They are necessary; however, it is the abundance of them in the absence of lower end strategies that is questioned. Executives are overwhelmed with top-end strategies. A review of business literature quickly reveals this truth. With so much talent directing its attention to the top, a vacuum has formed at the bottom. Where did everybody go? Few are willing to travel into the middle management "trenches" and supervisor and worker "weeds" to confront black holes that choke organizations. Identifying black hole–creating items, repairing the damage they cause, and terminating their root sources are low-end muck-digging activities and for this reason many have fled this area for higher ground.
Black Holes in Organizations returns to the trenches and the weeds, defines what a black hole is, and sheds light on eradicating black holes from organizations so they can once again strive to be the best they can be. Both Adam Smith's "division of labour" organizations and Michael Hammer's and James Champy's reengineered "process" organizations can benefit from the eradication of black hole–creating items.
Employees, officers, directors, entrepreneurs, and shareholders have corporate and professional dreams. Black holes can shatter their dreams by forming pockets that become hollowed out until they collapse a corner of an organization—or all of it. Black Holes in Organizations explains a lot about what we observe in day-to-day organizational life, and what we hear in the business news. Understanding black holes will go a long way to supporting the dreams of the courageous dreamers.
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